I am in love.
But there are too many miles between us and thanks to my epilepsy I can't step into the car on the driveway and zoom up the motorway for cuddles and hugs whenever I want.
I need a Halle fix I often tell my niece in a phone message. I am home in an hour lets FaceTime she replies.
So an hour later this gleeful Granty, is playing pat a cake with her gorgeous great niece.
I watch as she screws her nose up when she eats her chopped figs. I am there when she learns to say Ta as her Mummy hands her a toy.
I marvel at her tiny fists clinging onto the ropes of the swing I bought for her, then watch as her legs cartwheel around mid air and best of all I get to see her face come alive with a grin as her Grandad pushes her to and fro.
Halle knows my voice and grins at my screen covered face when I blow her kisses, then tries to blow me one back. She reaches out to grab my hair, smiles when I sing to her, tries to hand me her toy.
I remember a conversation not that long ago, who it was with I have no idea, but we spoke about the horror of making phone calls when we could see each other. But this potential horror lights up my weeks and brings sunshine smiles into my days...
...until next week when I get to feel her face against mine, cover her in kisses, give her my latest knitted creation.
I can only imagine how it would have felt to be handed my own baby. My bundle of love and watch as she or he slowly uncurled like a leaf, but thanks to technology I once considered in horror, this is pretty near perfect.
The adoring parents of Happy Halle
Pom pom hat created by Dawn!