Friday, July 17, 2015

Love will see us through...

Before last December, less than a year ago,  I only sung in the house, or in church at weddings or carols at Christmas. But now singing is part of my life. 

I am in a choir I tell a friend when she asks what I am up to...

Wow I didn't know that  she says

I have always wanted to sing, always muttered about doing something about it but it took my recent Breast Cancer storm to push me through the door of one of  Liz Martin's amazing Choirs. 

Singing is like a medicine. A course of rehabilitation. A life line. I rarely stop grinning at choir unless I am wiping a tear from my eye,  moved by a song or words.

Last week as we sang Hold On. Love will see you through. tears ran down my cheeks as I struggled to gulp back a sob. 

My Mr H has held on, stuck with me. Our love for each other sees us through the roller coaster of our life. One day I will be able to sing Hold On without tears. Sometime. Some day.

On Sunday I joined in a day of singing to raise essential funds for Wotton Arts Centre, in St Kenelm a beautifully simple Georgian Church. Mr H took me and sat in the traditional pews to listen for the first time. The sound of our harmonious voices wafted around the terracotta walls and seeped into souls as we sang the day away

I had to look at the ceiling when we sang Hold On. One peek at Mr H's face and I would have been a sobbing, spluttering mess. He knew though that I sang the song to him.

Some of the songs made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck he said as we left.  I knew the choir would be good but not THAT good!

Music speaks what cannot be expressed
soothes the mind and gives it rest
heals the heart and makes it whole
flows from heaven to the soul

Why not make a cup of tea and enjoy listening to a recording of our concert in February...

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